Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I guess someone could guess that I am either a flaming heterosexual female or a homosexual man. I am a flaming heterosexual woman with a great appreciation for goodlooking men. I have posted just a few at this time. The man of the hour just depends on who I am crushing on at the present time or what book or movie I have recently seen.

Jacob vs. Edward

I know there is an entire population out there that is totally obsessed with the Stephenie Meyer Twilight series as I am. I am beginning to think though that I am the only one on team Jacob. What the heck is wrong with you people? Almost all the people I work with are Team Edward and it is starting to make me crazy!!!!! What is wrong with Bella? Is she crazy? How can she possibly love that cold hard vampire when she has something as hot as Jacob waiting in the wings. OMG!!!! Just talking about his body heat makes me want to chase him (of course I would have a hard time catching him :))
Any comments?

Monday, July 28, 2008


Does anyone know what a porcupine is? I work in the public and we have a nickname for our crazy customers, porcupines. We have king and queen porcupines. It is really funny to yell that we are being invaded by porcupines when we have a really crazy day.
just wondering if anyone out there has a similar name for crazy customers.